I have to. I have to keep things really simple and down to earth. After all these years I am still amazed at the accuracy of the information I receive and can still get those "WOW!" moments when I say something to the client like: "He feels like a Mike, or a Michael" and the person replies: "Well, that's because it's his name!" Yes, the information is coming through me, and not from me, but that "me" is still a relatively down-to-earth individual who is nauseatingly organized, makes supper for her loved one some evenings, loves to laugh, and yet is sometimes lost and confused like the best of us. If I let myself get caught up in the sheer enormity of what I do, I run the risk of taking ownership of it all.
At the start of every single session I ask to "get my ego the hell out of here" (I really do have to find a better way to put this…) I am so completely and utterly clear that this is NOT me; that the information is simply coming through me. Whenever someone thanks me, I remind them of that. I cannot and will not take credit for the information. Over the years, I have finally been willing to take credit for going through all that I have, to learn how to trust, so that I can what I do with complete faith and certainty.
I am often surprised at the mystery and smoke and mirrors that surround this type of work and the skeptic in me has to wonder what someone has to hide when they do that. I don't believe that we need to make this work anything more amazing than it already is.
© Shena Meadowcroft