“How do you learn to trust your Intuition?” I’m frequently asked. For me, trust was the hardest lesson to learn. Although clairsentient (receiving information through feeling) from birth, I later came to the world of an Intuitive, figuratively kicking and screaming. A logical, down to earth, organized (even my herbs and spices have been known to be filed alphabetically…) individual, I relied totally on my “common sense.” The fact that it was uncannily accurate had to be a coincidence.
As an adult, I’d been told repeatedly how intuitive I was and how honed my abilities were. I refused to accept it. Never mind that there were signs of the flashing neon light variety, I wouldn’t believe it. To me it was plain and simple: Prove it!
So I did. Finally. I challenged myself to write down every single time I had a feeling, or an out-of-place thought, or a sense of something that came about without thinking. For two whole weeks. I carried my journal with me, and every single time I thought of someone, for example, that I hadn’t heard from in a while, I’d jot it down:
(date) (time) (thought/feeling)
And then as things occurred, which they generally (and alarmingly) did, I wrote that down too.
And after two weeks (and being totally freaked out) I knew this was no coincidence. The list didn’t lie.
So I started to pay attention, and, heaven forbid, actually listen…. And I got more titbits, and feelings, and sensations, and I recorded them too… and things happened.
I still do this every now and again. Because even though I have been working as an Intuitive Counsellor for many years now, and have worked with a countless number of people all over North America and Britain, the thrill has never left me. I make a note and …. some time later… sure enough… something happens. “Woo-Woo Stuff” as one friend calls it.
Just in the last few weeks for example:
~ I thought of someone I hardly know and wondered whether to give her a call in case she was going to our recycling centre, and maybe I could meet her there and get a ride to the part of the island where she lived. Not ten minutes after writing this down in my journal the phone rang: she said she was on her way to recycling, and wanted to drop off a “Shena” sweater she had for me on the way back…
~ I woke up one morning with this intense urge to go to Bamfield. I’d only been there once, a year ago, but loved it. Not an hour later my friend called me to tell me one of his clients wanted him to head over her way in April to do some tree work. For the first time in two years. Yep, Bamfield!
~ I’ve had a run on movies recently. I was talking one evening about the movie “Moll Flanders” to my friend and about a week later walked into a small store that carries a tiny section of movies for sale (max 50 titles) … and there it was! The following week I talked about another little known Canadian movie called “Beach Music” – three days later, same deal! And just this week I was thinking about a wonderful movie set in Venice whose name I could not remember for the life of me, only to be at a friend’s birthday party the same evening. He opened the bag with his present, and a DVD dropped out. It was in there by mistake as one of the guests had brought it to lend to another one. You’ve got it!
(The movie was “Dangerous Beauty”)
And just this morning I was thinking “I really want to call…” when the phone rang before finishing my sentence and my friend Sandie, another wonderful Intuitive in Calgary, said “…hello”
Small stuff maybe, but keep track of it, pay it some attention and soon you’ll be getting a lot more. It’s all a matter of trust, but for those logical ones amongst us…. keep good notes!
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